Part: Honda CB350 / CL350 / CL360 / CJ360 / CB360 Shift Lever
Why You Need This: If your shift lever is all bent up or you simply want to shave off weight wherever you can try this aluminum shift lever. If you're in this boat because you dropped your bike, we carry brake and clutch levers in case those bent or snapped off too. This lever has a brushed aluminum finish and features a spring-loaded foot peg for the next time your bike's sittin' sideways.
Installation Tip: Use a little anti-seize on the splines of the shaft to make it easier to take it off when servicing the chain. Note that this lever has a mounting bolt that enters from the bottom, vs. the top like on the factory Honda shift levers. It is not the exact same shape as the factory shift lever, but fits nicely on the models listed below.