Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How much does the service cost?
A: Services are billed on a per task basis. See our services and pricing tab for a per task labor cost. Each repair task has its own individual price x the number of times the task is performed to a given part. IE: Cylinder boring & hone is $75 per hole (task), thus 2 cylinders = $150. Each cylinder may need a different number of services performed based on how a given part has worn. This can only be determined after Phase 1 evaluation.
Q: Do I need to take my cylinder jug apart before I send it to you?
A: For cylinder jugs, we only need the base casting with the sleeves and your original pistons w/ pins. Make sure to mark your pistons in relation to the cylinder they came out of. All other parts and pieces should be removed: Dowel pins and cam chain tensioner parts.
Q: Can I mail it to you first for the evaluation?
A: No, you must purchase our Phase 1 cleaning & inspection service before we can evaluate any of your parts.
Q: What if I have my own new / replacement / used parts (oversize pistons )?
A: Only genuine CMC parts are used for any service work we provide; as we can guarantee the quality and consistency of our products. While we respect that you may have rounded up replacement parts for your engine, we are not able to use any parts provided to us. There are a lot of “mystery parts” on the market and have seen many customers burned by what they believed are the correct parts for a rebuild, just to find out something doesn't fit properly or is of questionable quality. Our Phase 1 cleaning & inspections services are used to determine the exact parts needed for a rebuild of any given part.
Q: Do you fix / weld broken cooling fins, gouged surfaces, pitting from corrosion?
A: No, our shop is not equipped to tackle any of the above repairs.
Q: What all actually gets done / replaced during the rebuild process? What parts get reused or replaced?
A: On a cylinder the typical work is bore the cylinders oversize, then hone the inner walls of each cylinder to properly match the diameter of the new piston and provide a proper surface for the new piston rings to seat. The head gasket surface will be lapped and all traces of old gasket material will be removed. All threads are cleaned with a chaser.
Q: What if it turns out that my cylinder is not rebuildable?
A: We will be in direct contact with you to discuss alternatives given the exact details of the Phase 1 evaluation. We may be able to source a suitable replacement part for you.
Q: Can I have only some of the quoted processes done and skip the others?
A: Our objective is to do the minimal amount of work necessary to bring your part back into proper working specifications. No more, no less.
Q: Why do I need to pay for the services up front?
A: So there are no surprises for everybody involved.
Q: I live International, will you be willing to offer this service for me?
A: Yes, as long as you are willing to pay the international shipping expenses.
Q: Is there a warranty on the parts and labor?
A: We stand behind our work, however each warranty claim is on a case by case basis. There are many factors that can cause a claim and we need to examine the situation and determine the root. A defective part? An error in machine work? Improper assembly by the engine builder? Freak situation? Alignment of the planets? Regardless, we give you 60 days from the time you receive your part back to be installed on the engine and put into service to make sure everything is working correctly. That means get your engine together and running ASAP!.
Q: I have a bike that is outside of your supported models, will you do machine work for me?
A: No!
Q: Do I have to use the Pulsar pistons or can I use the forged pistons you sell?
A: Yes, you can substitute and upgrade to the forged pistons. Discuss this with our Engineering staff during the Phase 1 evaluation results consultation.
Q: What if it turns out my part is in good shape and does not need major service aka things are well within service limits?
A: At times we find that a head is in great shape and still has lots of service life in it without needing any major machine work (you lucky dog). However any used cylinder will need some very minor touch up work before going back in the engine. Typically head gasket surface is leveled and cylinder walls de-glazed for fresh piston rings. We will not perform any service work that is not necessary.
Q: Can you repair stripped threads / remove a broken bolt?
A: Most of the time, yes. Broken bolt repairs are quoted on a case by case basis
Q: What size will you bore my cylinder to ? Can I put a "big bore kit" in my engine?
A: Cylinders will be bored either 0.5mm (0.020") or 1.0mm (0.040") over size. The final size is determined by how much a cylinder has worn and the minimal amount of material to be removed from the bore necessary for the walls to be clean and free from any pitting or irregular wear / damage. These are standard over size intervals that will allow all the other engine components to continue to work properly without additional modification. We do not machine cylinders larger than 1.0mm over size. While there are larger "big bore" piston kits on the market for many of these engines, such kits often require other engine modifications to make sure all the parts work together and have the proper clearances tested. Such parts should be considered for racing only.
Q: At what mileage should top end service / inspection work be performed on my engine?
A: Motorcycle mileage is vastly different from automotive mileage; it is about a 5:1 ratio between the two. A modern car with 30,000 miles on the clock is low, but a vintage motorcycle with the same mileage indicates that a bike was ridden a lot. This would be the equivalent of a car with 150,000 miles. These machines require more frequent maintenance due to fast running engine speeds, how hard an engine has to work (smaller the engine, the faster it wears), radical temperature fluctuations (air cooled vs. water cooled) and nature of the metals used to make them back in the day. Based on our experience here are the approximate mileage service intervals where one of these vintage Honda engines would expect to have the “top end” (head and cylinders) taken apart for cleaning & inspection. These mileage intervals also assume that an engine has been well cared for during its service life, which means regular oil changes with proper zinc fortified oil, valve and cam chain adjustments @ 1500 mile intervals and the engine was not abused (aka not run overlay hard for long time periods). Most engines are not perfectly cared for and may need top end service work at mileage intervals lower than these following values. The below values are in miles. Multiply x 1.609 for KM.
- CB175 / CL175 / CB200 = 12,000 - 15,000
- CB350 / CL350 / SL350 = 18,000 - 20,000
- CB360 / CL350 / CJ360 = 18,000 - 20,000
- CB450 / CL450 / CB500T = 25,000 - 30,000
- CB500K / CB550 K & F = 25,000 - 30,000