Cylinder Boring & Honing Service | Phase 1:  Cleaning & Evaluation
Finished Bored & Honed Cylinder shown w/ Pulsar Oversize Pistons

Cylinder Boring & Honing Service | Phase 1: Cleaning & Evaluation

Your Price: $50.00
Available Now!
CMC Part Number:4400
  • Current Turnaroud :14 to 30 Days
  • Note:Does Not Qualify For Free Shipping
  • OEM Part Number:13101-313-010, 13103-313-010, 13105-313-010, 13111-221-000, 13115-200-000, 94601-14000, 13051-302-305, 13051-439-005, 13051-302-004, 13031-439-005, 13031-302-004, 13031-302-305, 13103-312-010, 13103-287-010, 13103-312-000, 13105-312-010, 13105-287-010, 13105-312-000, 13101-369-000, 13102-369-000, 13103-369-000, 13104-369-000, 13105-369-000, 13011-369-305, 13021-369-305, 13031-369-305, 13041-369-305, 13051-369-305, 13111-369-000, 94601-16000, 13101-292-030,13102-292-030,13103-292-030,13104-292-030, 13105-292-030, 13111-283-000, 13115-283-000, 94601-17000, 13011-375-005, 13011-292-000, 13021-292-000, 13031-375-005, 13031-292-000, 13041-375-005, 13041-292-000, 13051-375-005, 13051-292-000, 13101-374-000, 13103-374-000, 13105-374-000, 13111-286-000, 13111-440-000, 94601-15000, 13051-374-000, 13031-374-000, 12100-302-000, 12100-287-060, 12100-287-070, 12100-369-000, 12100-283-010, 12100-292-020, 12100-374-010, 12100-374-000

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Cylinder Boring and Hone Rebuilding Service: Phase 1

Common Motor offers a cylinder over boring & honing rebuilding service for the following vintage Honda motorcycle models:

  • CB175 / CL175 / SL175
  • CB350 / CL350 / SL350
  • CB360 / CL360 / CJ360
  • CB450 / CL450
  • CB550K / CB550F

Each cylinder wears differently, so the required services and parts will vary from one cylinder to another in order to restore it to Honda's operational standards. A thorough assessment and cleaning are necessary to determine the specific needs of your particular cylinder. This cleaning and inspection service is referred to as "Phase 1" in our cylinder over boring & honing process.

The Phase 1 service package includes:

  • Cleaning (ultrasonic wash & glass bead blast)
  • General Inspection (threads, sealing surfaces, etc.)
  • Detailed Measurement and Evaluation of cylinder bore, out of round and taper.

How Our Cylinder Boring Rebuild Process Works: Phase 1 + Phase 2

  1. Purchase the Phase 1 Cleaning & Inspection Service Package on our website.
  2. Mail your cylinder to us (shipping instructions will be emailed after checkout).
  3. When we receive your cylinder, it will be cleaned, inspected, measured, and thoroughly evaluated.
  4. We will contact you to discuss the Phase 1 evaluation, advise and quote the parts and services needed to complete the rebuild.
  5. Once the quote is approved and paid, the Phase 2 service work will begin. The turnaround time is approximately 14 to 30 days after approval and payment.
  6. We perform the Phase 2 services, and mail it back to you.
  7. Install the new pistons, slide on the cylinder jug, pop on the rebuilt head and get your motorcycle back on the road!

Why You May Need This Service: Watch the video below for more info!

CMC Machine Service Philosophy: At CMC, we understand that key parts of these vintage motorcycles are no longer in production. Since there are no new replacement components, we must ensure anything that is rebuildable has the longest service life possible. We take a minimally invasive approach to restore these parts to their original specifications. It's similar to sharpening a pencil with a handheld sharpener. We only remove a nominal amount of material when machining, to maximize the part's useful life. Eventually the service life of a part like a cylinder will be used up, until that point is reached, we want to ensure that these components can be re-machined or "sharpened like a pencil" a few more times in the future.

More Questions: See our FAQ tab above.

Pricing: See the pricing tab above to understand how Phase 2 services are broken down.

Disclaimers & Warranty:See the tab above

This Cylinder Boring & Honing Service is Offered for The Following Honda Models

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