Part: Black Drum Brake Lever for Honda CB175, CL175, SL175 / CB200, CL200 / CB350, CL350, SL350 / CL360, CJ360 / CL450 motorcycles.
Why You Need This Part: Yes, it has happened. Your bike has tipped over (usually at the fault of some other courteous citizen) and as always the clutch and brake levers are the common victims. Not to worry though, we have new replacement brake and clutch levers for your Honda CB175, CB200, CB350, CB360, CL450. If your Honda twin has a front drum brake and are looking for something a little less stock and shiny, this is the lever for you. If you'd like to try out something even more different take a look at our Black Power Drum Brake Levers (don't worry we have a matching Black Power Clutch Lever).
Installation Tip: Lubricate the pivot bolt with some grease during installation. This is also a great time to check your Clutch Cable and Throttle Cables as well as the Front Brake Cable to see if they need some attention.