Part: Honda CB500K Clutch Rebuild Kit
Why You Need This: When the clutch starts to slip on your Honda CB500K then it is due for a rebuild. An engine that revs up when you give it gas while cruising but the bike speed does not change is the symptom of a slipping clutch. Our clutch rebuild kit has all the pieces needed to get your CB500K clutch in working order. The clutch rebuild kit includes the proper friction disc and a set of new performance clutch springs that provide more clamping force over the factory Honda ones. Add a clutch cable and power lever to finish the rebuild right.
This kit is specifically for a Honda CB500K 4 cylinder motorcycle.
Kit Details: This kit includes a total of 7 friction disks along with 4 new clutch springs.
Installation Tip: Soak the clutch discs in some 10W-40 motor oil overnight prior to installation. Check the metal plates for excessive wear or gouging. Typically they can be re-used if they are not warped from being overheated. Do not over tighten the spring mounting bolts as it is easy to strip or break the clutch basket casting.