Part: Front Brake Caliper Piston & Caliper Seal for Honda CB350G / CB350F / CB360T / CB350F / CB400F / CB450 K3-K7 / CB500T / CB500K / CB550K/F / CB750K0-K7 motorcycles
Why You Need This: A fresh new shiny brake caliper piston! Yes we know that you have been looking for one that is affordable as a good used one is tough to come by, we searched forever too. Well we got you taken care of, this front brake caliper piston is new, value priced and crust free. It is a direct replacement for the Honda CB350G, CB360, CB450, CB500F & CB550 as well as a few other models from that era. Throw in a new bleeder screw and some brake pads and your caliper will be better than new, or get the caliper rebuild kit and save a few bucks.
Piston Option: The caliper piston is available in two styles
- Late Style (#1161)- Direct OEM style piston which is chrome plated iron
- Early Style (#1163) - We recommend this piston for Honda CB450 K3&K4 and CB750 K0-K7 with the early style caliper
Installation Tip: Lubricate the piston and seal with some brake fluid during installation. Also apply a light coat of disc brake caliper grease (from the auto parts store) to the edge of the piston where it touches the back of the brake pad and to the recesses of the caliper housing itself. The nicely machined side of the piston faces the fluid.