Part: Tachometer Cable for Honda CB350 / SL350 / CB360 / CB550 motorcycles
Why You Need This: Tachometer needle bouncing around, sticking in place, or not even working? The tachometer cable is a prime suspect. The tachometer on the Honda CL350 / SL350 / CB350; CL360 / CJ360 / CB360 and CB500K / CB550K / CB550F is mechanically driven by this cable spinning inside the housing. Over the years the tachometer cables tend to get stuck, have the ends break off, or get a major kink in them. All of these issues can cause the tachometer not to work correctly and need to be repaired. The speedometer cable works in the same way, so it is worth checking too.
*SL350 K1 & K2 Owners: This motorcycle uses a shorter tachometer cable than the standard CB350 / CL350 family of motorcycles which is 22.25" in length.
Installation Tip: Make sure each end of the cable is properly seated and add a dab of light grease at either end. The screw on the drive end of the cable on the engine must be completely removed before the cable will pull out.