Part: Honda CB450 / CL450 / CB500T Carburetor Float
Why You Need This: We have found the brass floats that are in the factory Keihin carburetors originally on Honda CB450 / CL450 / CB500T motorcycles have a tendency to be defective over time. A defective carburetor float, will not properly float and regulate the gas flowing into your carburetor, hence flooding the carburetor or even the entire engine (which means a crankcase full of gasoline). We have seen floats that are defective due to corrosion pin-holes, hairline cracks in the brass or a weak solder joint.
The good news is that we have a new replacement carburetor float to fit the Honda CB450 / CL450 / CB500T carburetors. Gone are the days of having to epoxy or attempt to re-solder an old float to get it working again (trust me having to do that really sucks). These new Carburetor Floats are high quality exact replacements for your originals made in Japan, floats are sold individually, your Honda CB450 / CL450 / CB500T will need a pair to do both carburetors on the bike. Finish of the carbs right with a rebuild kit or gasket kit and keep things synced up with a fresh throttle cable.
Installation Tip: Check your old float by letting it soak in some gasoline for a bit if they have been dry for a while. After soaking shake them next to your ear, if you hear liquid then they are leaking and should be replaced. Set float height to 20mm, a little white grease on the edge of the float bowl will make taking it on and off much easier.