Part: Honda CB450 / CL450 / CB500T Spark Plug Boot - Sold Individually
Why You Need This Part: Often times intermittent ignition problems are thought to be the coils; however, the connection between the wire and boot are generally the cause. Our spark plug caps will allow many electrons to freely flow from your coils to the spark plugs. High quality, they are an excellent replacement for the original boots. These Honda CB450 spark plug boots have stock appearance and feature a water resistant seal. They are sold individually so buy accordingly for your project. While you're in there you might as well swap the spark plugs.
Installation Tip: Trim away about 1/4" of old wire from the end of the plug wire to get to some fresh wire. Next screw the boots into the end of the wires, press and turn clockwise until roughly 1/2" of wire is in the boot.