Carburetor Rebuild Kit for Honda CT90 - "Trail 90" motorcycles
This carburetor kit is the result of extensive research testing and is designed to fit the OEM Keihin carburetor found on your 1969 - 1977 Honda Trail 90 (K1 - K8). If the brass parts inside the carburetor of your vintage Honda CT90 / Trail 90 are beyond a good cleaning and gasket change, it's time for a rebuild. Our carburetor rebuild kit is the most complete and comprensive on the market. This CT90 / Trail 90 carb rebuild kit fits what is known as the "two screw float bowl" designed Keihin carburetor, which has a rectangular shape float bowl and uses two screws to retain the bowl to the carburetor body. The float will be made of brass; a plastic float may indicate an aftermarket carburetor.
NOTE 1: There are many aftermarket clone carburetors for the Honda CT90 floating around the market these days, this kit is ONLY for the OEM Keihin Honda carburetor with 2 screw float bowl
NOTE 2: Honda CT90 K0 (4 screw float bowl) as well as CT90 '78-'79 (round float bowl) each use different carburetor designs which are NOT COMPATIBLE with this kit.
Jets, Needles, and Hardware:
O-rings / Gaskets:
Thoroughly clean each part of the carburetor before reassembly. The emulsifier tube has an o-ring in the middle of the body, make sure to replace it and lubricate it during installation. Use a non-metallic punch to press it in place. Set float height to 20 mm and start with the slide needle in the middle position for preliminary tuning.