Part: Honda CB175 / CB200 Ignition Contact Points
Why You Need This: Spot on timing is critical on your Honda CB175 / CB200 and old and worn points are not doing you any favors. Switching out pitted and cranky points for a new set with fresh surfaces will ensure you are pulling the most power from your engine. Contact points are a wear item and after sitting for many years points tend to corrode and sometimes make it impossible to time correctly. New points for your newly purchased vintage Honda are always a good idea.
Note: The brand of points you need will be specific to the points plate installed in your CB175 / CB200. Honda used two different style points plates and points concurrently during production.
Installation Tip: Take time to inspect the advance mechanism behind the point plate and check if it is working smoothly. Here at Common Motor, we set the points using a test light (not to be confused with strobe style timing light) because Exact ignition timing is imperative to a smooth running engine and often the gap of the points is subjective. Dab a small amount of white lithium grease on the points cam to extend the life of the rubbing blocks. Ignition timing should be adjusted every 1,500 miles and usually, we expect that you get between 4,500 and 6,000 miles out of each set of points before replacement is needed.