Part: 35-Tooth Rear Chain Sprocket for Honda CB200 Motorcycles
Why You Need This: Sprockets are crucial in ensuring enjoyable and safe motorcycle riding. Over the years drive chain sprockets take quite the beating and wear out with high milage and improper chain adjustment. You will know that your sprocket is worn when the teeth start showing asymmetrical wear, get sharp and pointy. This 35-tooth replacement rear drive chain sprocket for your vintage Honda CB200K0 / CB200T is made with high quality steel just like the originals and fits the factory 520 pitch drive chain.
Installation Tip: Make sure to use chain lube on your new sprockets and chain. When replacing your rear sprocket you should also replace the front sprocket and always use a new chain. The new chain and sprockets will ensure your motorcycle feels tighter on the road and give great throttle response.