Part: Honda CB750K0-K5 / CB750KA / CB750F / CB750A Cam Chain
Why You Need This: The time to replace your cam timing chain is here - you have already wrestled your CB750 or CB750F engine from the frame and now it is time to make those repairs. You do not want to skip this simple replacement job if you are still running your 50-year-old cam chain. Cut to order and counted to 94 links, this premium chain will arrive as an open loop. Bagged separately is the included master link. This cam chain connects using a pressed pin rather than a rivet style. To install this properly you will need a Chain Tool. Inspect your oil seals when you have your cases apart and order any that look nicked or marred.
The Cam Chain will arrive as an open-loop because they are cut to order. It will include the PRESS type master link that requires a Chain Tool. This is NOT a rivet type master link.
Installation Tip: The cam chain will perform best when well lubricated. Give your new cam chain a motor oil bath before installation.