Part: Cam Chain for Honda CB450 / CL450 Scrambler / CB500T
Why You Need This Part: Got your CB450 / CL450 Scrambler / CB500T all apart? This is a good time to put a fresh cam timing chain in. This cam chain is 128 links long and comes as a broken loop to make it easier to thread through the engine. We sourced these directly out of Japan, and they are premium quality kit.
It includes a PRESS type master link (NOT a rivet-type), which must be installed with a chain tool. We are also happy to offer a replacement center cam chain roller if the original is chewed up.
Installation Tip: Make sure to soak chain in motor oil prior to installation. You can use the old cam chain to thread the new cam chain around the crank assuming that you have not removed the old cam chain yet. Make sure not to press the side plate on the master link on too far that you cause the chain to bind between the master link plates and the inner chain links.