Part: Honda CL450 / CB450 / CB500T Gasket Overhaul Kit
Why You Need This Part: Well now you've done it... You just had to tear the whole motor apart didn't you? OK we've done it too, in fact more times than seems reasonable. Well since you seem to be overhauling the engine and transmission on your Honda CL450 Scrambler / CB450, or CB500T here are ALL the gaskets (and O-rings too) to get the job done. While you are at it, drop in some fresh oil seals while the engine is apart and knock the whole thing out at once. Now you just need to put it all back together.
Installation Tip: Thoroughly clean the gasket surfaces to remove any bits of old gasket material and silicone residue prior to installing this kit. Lightly coating the gaskets with grease can keep from sticking when taking things off next time.